Head of Snake
General Intel
General Intel
Sinai - Nov. 30 2024
Nov. 30 2024
Intelligence reports that the commanders of the pesky Houthis will be on site to examine their new oil refining site. Since we believe that all senior member will be in attendance there is no better opportunity to lop the head off the snake.
Allied fixed wing aircraft will take off from Bilbeis Air base and fly southeast to target area.
Tankers are orbiting on the west bank of the red sea.
Divert is St. Catherine. When you get shot down, you can respawn from here, or from Abu Rudeis where you can also land and rearm/refuel.
Rotary aircraft will depart from St. Catherine.
Be aware, reports show SA-2 and SA-6 batteries in the town along with HEAVY AAA. Along with an SA-10 & SA-11 battery somewhere to the south and southwest.
We all land at Ben Gurion up north.
Secondary: Destroy the 4 new oil tanks that were installed at the site.
Blue Pilots - 4
Haze (VIPER 1-1)
[RtO]Clariion (VIPER 1-2)
Molson 1-1 / Arty (DODGE 1-1)
Pooch (DODGE 1-2)